I am an artist that deals with glass, paint and lots of other medium. A lot of my subject matter deals with personal expierences from my life and people that are very close to me. Enjoy. Comments are appreciated
Double Dose is a collaborative artist group with Doreen Garner and DanielleCharleston. The first appearance of Double Dose will take place at I brewster projects. 1824 chestnut street between 18th and 19th on chestnut. The show opens at 8:00 pm on October 2nd 2009. Be there or be lame.
Doreen Garner is an artist that was born and raised in Philadelphia. She began as a painter before she discovered the art of glass. Doreen uses glass to illustrate and visually reconstruct the events and emotions of her personal history. She uses imagery to depict her experiences of living in poverty, dealing with the complications of life and death, addressing her role in society, and steering away from discrimination. She recently received her BFA in Glass from Tyler School of Art at Temple University. Doreen has studied at craft intensive programs including Penland School of Crafts and Pilchuck Glass School as a student as well as a teacher’s assistant. In her recent body of work, she is striving to merge the relationship of glass in and outside the hot shop. She is creating a visual quality of glass in the hot shop specific to the visual content in her stained glass compositions.