Sunday, September 21, 2008

Glass work

1. Death overshadowed by reality 2. life overshadowed by reality (illustration detail) 3. life overshadowed by reality (detail)
4. Life overshadowed by reality 5. drowning in lake pitch 6. drowning in lake pitch

In images 1-4 the idea of life and death is illustrated through sheet glass and blow mold forms. When one views life with a realistic...some might say cynical mind, you realize the positive aspects of death and the negative aspects of life. Our lives consist mostly of trials and tribulations. Life is a journey through disappointment, pain, sorrow, experiences of deception and loss. Often, people mistake life for a completely happy and free type of existance. But I view it differently. I view it realisticly for that is the only way I've ever known life to be. Constantly having to react to a negative occurance. Death to me seems more free. It is a resting point, it brings peace to the body and to the soul. When a person dies people are upset. And i wonder does one become sad because someone is no longer alive or is it really because you're the one being left behind.

The next is a self portrait oil on canvas that is sheilded by a layer of clear glass cane. The piece was created to express my slavery to desire.